Be a star, a natural attitude
It is not easy to be under the limelight every day. Every detail has to be perfect. Not only the make up, the hair and the outfit but also the body has to be in the best fit for all the different roles that Lorena has to face every day: prima ballerina and choreographer, singer, actress, writer, producer... All this represents a big charge of work. "I start every day - racounts Lorena - with my trainings as a dancer and as a singer. Then I have to rehearse my roles and create the choreographies of the shows. Or I can have photo shootings or be on the set for filming. I have also a lot of work in the office, writing projects, taking care of the production and organization or answering to multiple messages. There are as well many meetings in relation to the actual and future projects and the invitations to events. Often I travel, I am always ready to go. I can say that I have really an intense life! It is not easy but I work with all my passion and energy!"