Supporting young dancers
To be a role model and an example for the young people has always been a priority for Lorena. This to transmit them the values of art, culture, ballet as well of discipline, dedication and passion. The Official Certificates Giving Ceremony of the International Exams of Montecarlo of the Méthode Russe de Monte-Carlo de Lorena Baricalla (the Lorena Baricalla Montte-Carlo Russian Method) took place in the Sala Rossa, Savona,Italy for the young dancers of the Accademia di Savona directed by Joelle Heidl and Corsi di danza by Alessia Berruti with Roberto Pizzorno, President of CONI and Libertas Liguria; Tino Genovese, Production Director of PromoArt Montecarlo Production. An important moment for the young dancers!