Ep. 7 of Monaco and Friends!
Watch Ep.7 of "Monaco and Friends" hosted by Ballet Star, Singer, Actress Lorena Baricalla with luxury lifestyle influencer Yulia Berisset aka @_queeny_j and the participation as guest of Cristina Carpinteiro, founder & CEO of The Golden Phoenix Real Estate & Investments in Portugal
“For a special investigation about the perfect house in Portugal Lorena and Yulia need the best professional agent in the sector with a unique and no conventional expertise.
Cristina is the right person for this!
Learn more about real estate properties and opportunies like the Golden Visa, and discover this beautiful and trendy country, its traditions, food and lifestyle.”
“MONACO and FRIENDS” and “CANNES and FRIENDS” are the new twin Socials Shows about Art, Culture, Fashion and Lifestyle!
A new Showcase and Talk Show created and produced by PromoArt Monte-Carlo Production.
Production Director: Tino Genovese - Communication Director: Dan Lavore
#monacoandfriends #socialsshow #lorenabaricalla #yuliaberisset #cristinacarpinteiro #thegoldenphoenix #promoartmontecarloproduction #monaco #montecarlo #talkshow #realestate #portugal